Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Learning at the Library Part 2

Another library appearance:  This one in Hays and for adults.  Adult programs are slightly different than children's story hour.  For one thing, no one expects adults to come in and have a seat before the program begins and then stay seated until the program is finished.  Although there were some who were there before it began and stayed to talk after it was finished, there were also those who peaked in the door throughout the presentation staying only for part of it.  Also, no one really stops in the middle to provide time to sing and dance and get the wiggles out.  Maybe I should add that.  :)  Regardless, I did stop after my power point for a question and answer time and then gave the audience time to stretch their legs and check out the table before coming back to listen to "The Secret of Saying Thanks."  You are never too old for a story.  :)
I did have a first today.  Eagle Communications came to the presentation and I did a TV interview before it began.  I haven't seen the interview personally, so I don't know how it turned out.  I'll keep you updated as I learn more information.
I am so thankful that my husband was there to figure out the technology and get my laptop hooked up to their TV so I could use my PowerPoint.  Technology is wonderful, but only when it is working.  I am so glad I have someone in my life that is technologically savvy and knows what to do to make it work.  Thanks Eric for helping make it all run smoothly. 

There are more library appearances in my future--keep watching for more information.
To be continued . . .

Thanksgiving for today:
Air Conditioning
Social Media
Finding the Right Item

"Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more.  If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough."
                                                                                   Oprah Winfrey

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