Sunday, March 9, 2014

Townhall with Kansas Politicians

During my final weeks as the reigning Ms. Wheelchair Kansas, I was so excited to learn that I could attend a Townhall meeting at the WaKeeney Public Library with our state politicians: Senator Ostmeyer and Representative Hineman.  I loved seeing them again this time on my home turf.  We got to hear updates on what is going on politically at the State.  Being in Western Kansas, there was a lot of talk about agriculture, water, etc.  We also got to hear about other state issues like budget and education and the possibility of naming a State Fossil.  It was fun to hear all about what is happening at the state level.

My memory might be a little unreliable, but I think this may have been the coldest appearance yet.  Fortunately, the Townhall itself was inside the library, but getting there was so cold.  I know all I had to do was get from the house to the van and from the van to the library, but I am thankful that was the only time I had to experience outside.  I never would have imagined the coldest event would happen in March.  I guess this is Kansas and it is the beginning of March--in like a lion and out like a lamb.  Weather is unpredictable in Kansas and I'm just thankful this event was in my hometown.  :)

I also had the opportunity to talk to community leaders making the Fairgrounds more accessible.  I offered to continue to be available to help in whatever capacity I can. :)

Thankful thoughts for today:
Amazing Race
MWKS Coordinator

"When I started counting my blessings, my whole life turned around."
                                                                     Willie Nelson

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