Wednesday, March 12, 2014

We All Share Our Message

We have arrived to what I consider the most important part of the week.  No, we're not at the Crowning Ceremony yet, that will come later.  We are at Speech Night.  We are at the night that all contestants get to share what they are passionate about and what they will be sharing with their state and with America should they get the title Ms. Wheelchair America 2014.  And, both big events are available on the Internet, so we will all be sharing our platform with the nation.  I will not just be speaking to the room full of audience members and other contestants, I will be speaking to listeners across the country.  This is the opportunity to share what is on my heart with my largest audience to date.
Some of our cowboy escorts.  Mine asked me, "Ms.
Kansas, do you know Dorothy Gayle?"  He seemed impressed that
I knew who that was and knew that there was more than one
book about Oz and am currently reading Book 4.
We did have time to practice our speeches before the big night.  I am honored to say my practice partner was crowned Ms. Wheelchair America 2014.  I'll tell you who she is in my post about the Crowning Ceremony.  Her speech was amazing and really shared her passion of Inclusion Revolution.  I remember the most nerve wracking part of the whole experience was the timing.  I practiced over and over to say what I wanted to tell the world in 2 minutes or less.  I even paused for a count of 2 seconds to let them really focus on the challenge I had just given them.

Waiting to give our speeches
Now that I've been home, I've been hearing about those who joined in listening.  I'm sure there were listeners for every contestant.  But, I know for sure people listened in four different states just to cheer me on.  It sure helps to have friends and family across the nation.  :)

One of the best parts is getting hair and make-up done for the event.  And, I'm pleased to say they listened to what I wanted and did a fabulous job.  They even did a great job including my peacock barrette.

 Following the speeches, we got to enjoy dessert and conversation time with the audience.  We also had a chance to have our photo taken on the red carpet.  :)  I felt like such a celebrity.

To see other MWA posts check here:;;

Thankful thoughts for today:
BBQ RV parked in town

"I am thankful that the is no success gained without hard work and sacrifice."

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