Monday, March 10, 2014

My Final Adventure--Just the Beginning

Well, it finally arrived, my final appearance as the reigning Ms. Wheelchair Kansas.  I got to be the guest speaker at the March meeting of the Norton chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma.   How appropriate that my final meeting would take place surrounded by those who have supported me not only this year, but also through much of my life.  It always makes me a little nervous when I speak in front of those who have known me since childhood.  It is also nerve wracking to speak in front of your teachers--the very people who used to grade my writing and speaking ability.  :)  Good thing I wasn't getting a grade today.

I got to share my platform presentation, "Maintaining an Attitude of Gratitude." and then my favorite part:  just getting to talk and answer questions.  I got to share about the Ms. Wheelchair Kansas program, my experiences during the year, my time at the Ms. Wheelchair America pageant, the educational choices for my children including online school for my Middle School age daughter, and what I myself have been learning about "maintaining an attitude of gratitude"  during this year.  We talked about my struggles during the past couple of months and how I've been applying what I learned.  We talked about how to "maintain an attitude of gratitude" even during the long struggles.

I found myself almost in tears a few times.  I realize my story can be emotional, but I've gotten to where I can share it without tearing up myself.  I've trained myself not to look my audience directly in the eye when I speak, because if they are tearing up, I will be shortly.  But, this time I was getting chocked up occasionally.  I don't know if it was because I was in  a room of people I've known most of my life, or if I was a bit sad that this was my final official appearance before crowning Ms. Wheelchair Kansas 2014.    Whatever the reason, it was an emotional night.

Am I sad?  Maybe a little.  This has been an amazing year.  Change is always emotional.  But, I am very excited to meet Ms. Wheelchair Kansas 2014 and thrilled she will get to have a year filled with amazing experiences.  And, I am not done.  I have appearances scheduled for the future.  I am not done sharing my story.  Things are just about to change and change is always emotional.  Even when it is good.  :)

Thankful thoughts for today:
No wind
Wellness Center
Power chair

"You simply will not be the same person two months from now after consciously giving thanks each day for the abundance that exists in your life.  And you will have set in motion an ancient spiritual law, the more you have and are grateful for, the more will be given you."
                                                                        Sarah Ban Breathnach

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