Thursday, March 6, 2014

True Confession Time

True confession time.  I think I have been learning just as much, or probably more, than anyone else this year about "Maintaining an Attitude of Gratitude."  And, guess what!!  It is HARD!!!  Of course, I already knew that.  But, I've been reminded of that frequently during the year.  I think I've learned how to maintain an attitude of gratitude on those days when something negative happens or you just want to go back to bed, cover your head, and start the day over.  I've had a few of those and I've been trying to purposefully look for my blessings.

But, now, I'm working on the lesson of "Maintaining an Attitude of Gratitude" when it' not a getting up on the wrong side of the bed type issue. When it's not about a difficult moment that is over within a few minutes, hours, or even a day or two.  The last couple of months have been one difficulty or challenge piled on top of another.  Just when I think I can see the surface, here comes more.  Now, I've been there before.  And, it was through the long process of difficulty in my life that I learned the importance of looking for my blessings and giving thanks.  They are always there.  ALWAYS.  Some days it is just harder than others to find them.

If you've been following my blog, you may have noticed a decrease in blog posts over the past couple months.  And, you may have noticed a change in my "thankful thoughts" for each day.  I have had a struggle some days finding things to be thankful for.  But, there is always something there.  You just have to shift your focus and notice the blessings around you.   I've noticed for me it's important to stop having a "poor me" attitude and start paying attention to the things around me.   Even when you feel like you are about to be buried alive and the troubles keep coming, pushing you further under, I know there is something to be thankful for if you just stop and pay attention.  And then, grab ahold of those thing to give thanks for and you will find yourself slowly climbing out of the pit.  Focus on the blessings not the pile of troubles.  That is what I am trying to do.  Keep me accountable.

Thankful thoughts for the day:
Seeing the end of the tunnel
Understanding place of employment
Pain medication
Reaching goals

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