Thursday, November 14, 2013

Big Lakes Developmental Center

We got to head to Manhattan to the Big Lakes Developmental Center.  My time at the center began with my presentation to the case managers.  It was an amazing time spent giving my "Maintaining an Attitude of Gratitude" presentation and then getting to spend time talking with these incredible ladies.  They asked such wonderful, thoughtful questions specific to their work.  I knew that this platform would apply to all people of all ages, but I am constantly amazed by just how well it resonates with all the different groups I've had the privilege to meet with this year.  It is always my favorite time of every presentation when I get to sit and talk with the people in the room.  I love finding connections and getting to answer questions and learn as much from them as I hope they learn during their time with me.
With these ladies, we found an unexpected connection--many of them have Northwest Kansas roots.  :)

After the time spent talking with the case managers, I had the opportunity to tour the Center and meet some of the clients.  I had a chance to see several different areas and clients both working and eating lunch.  I even had the chance to speak to a woman working at her job as a janitor when I visited the bathroom.  We had a wonderful conversation about Ms. Wheelchair and my platform.  That just proves I should always be ready to share my heart no matter where I am.  You just never know where you will meet amazing people.  :)

Thankful thoughts for today:
Fresh ingredients
Meeting goals
Dr. Pepper
Cocoa Roast Almonds
Confirmation that I'm on the right track

"Make it a habit to tell people thank you.  To express your appreciation, sincerely and without the expectation of anything in return.  Truly appreciate those around you, and you'll soon find many others around you.  Truly appreciate life, and you'll find that you have more of it."
                                                                            Ralph Marston

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