Thursday, June 27, 2013

The Best Week of the Year

I got to attend summer camp June 14. Well, not exactly attend the whole week, but I was the early morning speaker and then spent the morning checking out the camp and even stayed to have lunch with the campers.  I was thoroughly impressed with the whole setting.  The numbers are at least one counselor for every camper.  This makes it possible for everyone to have a great time.  If you need to leave an activity, you can, because your counselor attends to your needs.  What an amazing opportunity for these kids to have an awesome summer camp experience.  I borrowed the title for this blog post from their website about the camp.  I think many of them would agree it is the "best week of the year."  :)

I began my presentation with my Power Point.  I was told afterward that many of the boys were not all that excited to hear Ms. Wheelchair Kansas.  I couldn't tell during the presentation.  They were just as engaged as the girls.  Maybe it helps that I showed the picture of the wrecked car, my x-rays, and the screws that were in my pelvis.  That seems to be the kind of thing that catches boys attention.  :)  Maybe it was because I had my service dog with me.  Who knows???  Anyway, I had a lot of fun and there was a ton of audience participation during the q&a time.  Then we played a game.  It is like the classic, "I'm going on a bear hunt ...", but we made it "I'm thankful for  . . ." and they had to think of things to be thankful for that began with all the letters A to Z.  It was a ton of fun and there was a lot of laughter and participation.

A magician followed my presentation.
Ms Wheelchair Kansas and magicians must go together.
I followed a magician at the Riverfest.  :)

After my presentation, I got to spend the morning exploring the camp.  I didn't venture far, but I hear if I had there were more fun things available like horse back riding, a pond, a swimming pool, and more.   I just ventured into the main area, arts and crafts, and the dining area.  I had a great time interacting with the campers.  I even got to play Monopoly Junior and have a craft made for me so I could always have something to remember this camp.  Thanks Dakota.

I got to meet a king.  :)

Thanks Emily for letting me know how much fun this is and to try and fit it in my schedule.  I've been asked to tell Ms. Wheelchair Kansas 2014 how great it is so she can fit it in her schedule.  I even spent some time talking about ways they can use me next year even without the crown and sash.  :)  Who knows?  Maybe, I'll make it back next year.
Thankful thoughts for today:
]Air Conditioning
Computer security features
Fixed accessibility equipment
Planning Family Fun
"Difficulties are opportunities to better things; they are stepping stones to greater experience.  Perhaps someday you will be thankful for some temporary failure in a particular direction.  When one door closes, another always opens."
                                                                Author Unknown

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