Thursday, May 30, 2013

Simply Lead

What an amazing day and what an amazing opportunity.  It's taken me awhile to get this post done because I wanted to make sure I was doing it justice.  This was my first appearance where nerves really snuck up on me.  I would be speaking to a group of leaders.  A group of people who might expect me to actually know something and not be impressed with my title or the crown on my head.  Of course, everyone I speak to should expect me to know something, but preschoolers tend to be a little more impressed with the crown.  :)

Well, I was certainly glad during the Leadercast to hear Andy Stanley say: "Level five leaders don't feel the need to be the smartest person in the room.  They are willing to be the dumbest."  That relieved my stress immensely.  No one was expecting me to be the smartest person in the room.  All I had to do was be myself and share what only I can share.  I can do that!!  No one tells my story better than I do.

A big thank you to Lance for helping bring the Chick-fil-A Leadercast telecast to Kansas and for allowing me to set up my display and speak for a few minutes before lunch.  I didn't tell my whole story because I knew we all wanted to get to lunch, but I did share a little and I got to tell my story personally to people throughout break times the rest of the day.  I had such a great time meeting lots of different people and talking about my story and possible appearances throughout the year.  Kansas is full of amazing people.  That is my favorite part of this year--getting to meet such a variety of people and knowing we all have stories that connect us.  Kudos to Emily Evans, Ms. Wheelchair Kansas 2012.  She had done a great job making SW Kansas aware of the Ms. Wheelchair Program.

 This was the perfect set up for me with my traumatic brain injury.  I got to experience the amazing speakers at the Chick-fil-A Leadercast, but I got to do it in a smaller, more relaxed atmosphere.  I got the amazing information without the brain overload that happens when I'm in a room of hundreds. (or thousands).  Thanks to Lance and the church for a great set up and wonderful food throughout the day.  You certainly know how to make us feel welcome.  I left the day full of new information to try to put into practice, a new book that I won, and a renewed desire to learn as much about being a leader as I could.  I can't wait to see what they have in store for us next year.

"The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you. In between, the leader is a servant."
— Max DePree

Thankful thoughts for the day:
Educational Options
Social Media
Weather Reports
X-rays on DVD
Package on the Porch
Excitement about karate
My tall grown-up girl

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