Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Part of the Wardrobe of a LeadHer

I am a co-coordinator of the LeadHer Local WaKeeney group.  This is an amazing group of women who get together twice a month to learn from the teaching of the month and then find a way to apply what they've learned.  During 2013, we have been learning about "The Wardrobe of a LeadHer" and the qualities we should be putting on daily.  November's quality happened to be Thankfulness which goes perfectly with my platform of "Maintaining an Attitude of Gratitude."  So, for the second meeting in November, I was the featured speaker and shared my PowerPoint presentation on "Maintaining an Attitude of Gratitude."  It was a privilege to get to share with these ladies and reinforce the topic of the month.  They have been such an amazing support throughout my journey as Ms. Wheelchair Kansas.  In fact, two of them made the journey to Topeka for the crowning ceremony last March and all have supported me all year.

The mission of LeadHer is Growing Women God's Way: Spiritually, Physically, and Relationally.  It is through both LeadHer and Ms. Wheelchair Kansas that I have found myself growing in my leadership role and hope that I am touching the lives of the people that I meet.  In both groups, relationships are cementing and I have a group of women I will consider lifelong friends.  How fitting that in both groups the focus of November (and all year in MWKS) is about Thanksliving--not just feeling thankful but making it a daily part of your life.  I hope everyone I meet sees me living out this concept.  

 For more information about LeadHer you can check out their website at www.leadher.org
I was privileged to have an article in their November newsletter.  You can access it at http://us2.campaign-archive2.com/?

Thankful thoughts for today:
Apple bread
Increased independence
You can find anything online

"So often we dwell on the things that seem impossible rather than on the things that are possible.  So often we are depressed by what remains to be done and forget to be thankful for all that has been done."
                                                                            Marian Wright Edelman

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